A python package for working with collections of nodes with temporal dimensions. Part of my work on the MemoRekall project.
My personal solution for bridging things like Reaper, FluCoMa and scikit-learn. This is a collection of Python scripts for creating Reaper projects programatically and using things like machine learning. It also includes my personal wrapper for using the FluCoMa CLI tools in Python. It's still a work in progress.
A collection of ad hoc abstractions, js code and projects I use for doing things my way in Max.
Part of my job as a research assistant on the FluCoMa project was to analyse the software produced by people on the project and create a collection of pedagogical and analytical example softwares to accompany the articles written about them. These are diverse and written for a number of environments: Max, SuperCollider and Python.
During my PhD I made a large number of different tools to help with my research in a host of languages and environments. These tools include bespoke media players, network visualisation and manipulation tools, corpus exploration with feature extraction, dimensionality reduction, software recreations and analysis and much more. They are divided into two parts, the main DOI that was submitted as part of the PhD and a supplementary repo of various projects that were part of the research but were either unused in the final PhD or unfinished. Much of this software is only intended for personal use and would probably need a lot of work to get off the ground, but feel free to browse.
I participated in the development of this website along with James Bradbury and Ted Moore. It was made using the Svelte framework.